
It's a new
beginning for
better hearing

Hear better. Live better.

Hearing plays a key role in our physical and mental health, and overall quality of life. Starkey's Genesis AI hearing aids were completely reimagined—starting with the processor inside—to help more people than ever hear and live better.

Packed with state-of-the-art technology, they’re engineered to help wearers:

  • Hear sounds the way the brain intended.
  • Keep connected, stay engaged and miss fewer meaningful moments.
  • Enjoy enhanced listening moments, improved well-being, and easier everyday living.

Better hearing is just the beginning

hearing aids

Make greater connections with the world around you, thanks to Bluetooth.

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hearing aids

Durable and tough, you don’t have to sweat it if these hearing aids get wet.

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hearing aids

Discover our rechargeable, on-the-go options that connect you to your life.

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How hearing better leads to living better

  • Mental health

    Hearing better helps keep our minds attentive and sharp.

  • Physical health

    Hearing better helps us maintain an active lifestyle.

  • Relationships

    Hearing better helps keep us connected to loved ones.

  • Everyday life

    Hearing better makes everyday life easier.

Hearing aids

Explore award-winning technology and other innovative solutions.

Explore hearing aids

Hearing Loss

Six reasons to get your hearing checked.

Learn more


Ringing in your ears? Learn how to get relief.

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